Monday, 12 December 2016

Squirrel's Adventure

Squirrel's Adventure      

Early one morning near the edge of forest. A hungry squirrel was foraging for nuts, while a hawk was gliding high in the sky.

The squirrel sensed something. Something was wrong, he lifted his tail before he lifted his head, very slowly. Danger! He glimpsed the silvery grey hawk with big dark grey lines on his wings, his beak was yellow and he had black feathers on the ends of his tail and wings.  His screech was evil. Fear had hold of him.   He was filled with fear and his fur puffed up.

As the hawk kept circling and screeching the Squirrel was panicking. He dug his paws into the ground. He was going to defend himself. His fur was standing up. He widened his eyes.

The squirrel’s mind buzzed in panic. He was thinking of how to get away. He thought and thought. He knew that if he bolted away the hawk would hear him. But… if he snuck away the hawk might not hear him. He was so preoccupied that he did not notice the hawk! The hawk had circled down  and grabbed him by his big bushy tail with his big yellow claws.

The squirrel wiggled and jiggled but he could not get free from the hawk’s clutches. He lifted his body and bit the hawk on the claw.

The hawk released his tail and flew off into the sky. The squirrel retreated to his home in the big oak tree. The squirrel took the time to relax. When the hawk was out of site the squirrel set off to gather his nuts, keeping one eye opened for the hawk.

Image result for A hawk gliding in the skyImage result for A squirrel was foraging for nuts
Squirrel drawing