Greymouth is proud to be a part of the West Coast. But an unfair and rude article was written about Greymouth. We were hurt a ton, so… the local and resilient residents are defending our town which, yes, is falling into decline but rebuilding itself. To show that the press is wrong I am going to show you Greymouths facilities, shops and most importantly people, to show the wonders of Greymouth.
Let's take a peek at the facilities we have. Well we have the Nimmo Art Gallery. This gallery has it all! It has the incredible photos, the table full of bits and bobs and lots more. There is the amazing BMX track. The bumps and the jump’s make this BMX track outstanding. And the last of all the Recreation Centre. The pool has it all. The hydroslides are fast fun and safe. The pool is refreshing, amazing and fit for all ages. Those are just the facilities. I bet the shops will be just as impressive.
If you thought that the facilities were incredible, I bet the shops will be just as amazing. To kick off these amazing shops, I will show you the warehouse. The greymouth warehouse is as a matter of fact the only Warehouse on the West Coast! Isn't that incredible. Then there's Countdown. Again the only Countdown on the West Coast and not only is it a supermarket, but it has a few bites and bobs as well. And last of all Smith City. Smith City is place for furnisher, and I am being serious, Smith City has it all! Couches, tables, TVs and lots more. Don't get psyched about the shops, however you can get psyched about the people.
Are you psyched about the people? If your not I can make you. The people of Greymouth (unlike most people) actually smile and reply in a cheerful way when you say ‘hi’ or ‘hello’. Whenever you need a hand, the people of Greymouth are there to help. Now the best part of Greymouth people, we are team players. In a game we are competitive but, if we lose we won’t wien about it and if we win we won’t brag about it. Now there's one thing that needs to happen.
Can you see what we can do with the grey river? The toris aterachones that we can make are astounding. We can make a jet ski worf for the tourists, give them something to do on the water. It would be a good way to get wet and feel refreshed. Another thing to have as a tourist attraction is a fishing wharf. It would be a nice place to relax. I am sure you can find more. That's it for now.
So there you have it, the things that make Greymouth, Greymouth. I hope your mind is changed about the town that yes is crumbling, but, is rebuilding itself. There are the facilities, shops and best of all the people that are waiting for you. If you don't believe what I say about this wonderful town, come see for yourself.